Sunday, 3 January 2010

Mr Robin and Miss Mouse...

Mr Robin calls in for breakfast every morning and gives us a song, and sometimes if we're lucky there's two of them. He's so lovely I wish I could scoop him up and give him a cuddle.

We had another snow fall today, usually on the coast the snow never lasts longer than a day or two but we've had it for over two weeks, all the children (and lots of adults) are loving it and  we have lots of snowmen in the gardens.

This is one of my presents....It looks like a box of matches, but if you slide the box open,

Look who's inside "Miss Daisy Mouse" . She has a nice soft mattress and pillow and a blanket to keep her warm.

I've got a feeling Alexa will think the mouse is hers when she see's the box!!

Like everyone else I have a few projects in mind so I thought if I cut the material out I'd have no excuse to get started.

I chose this fabric to cover my holiday book, I started it last year and there's enough room for this year's holiday too (you thought I was so orgsnised there didn't you? hehe)

Then I cut this lovely fabric into a long sausage shape to make a bolster cushion to go on the bottom of the bed,

and this small piece I'll make into a pin cushion. There's so much going on in the street I love it.

I do love heart cushions and this is a  lovely fabric to make one out of. I also want to master the art of crochet  and  I saw a magazine advertised on T.V. in weekly parts so that's me busy  for a few weeks.

Are you up to anything crafty girls???

Love Lucey xx


Kate said...

Hi Lucey,
I'm off to get that crochet magazine tomorrow, hope it's easy to follow, my nan taught me years ago to crochet and I made a blanket but now I can't seem to get it. I'll let you know how I get on.
Take care

Kori said...

Hey time for crafts! I actually made a couple of fleece tie blankets for Christmas but that's it. Back to work tomorrow...bummer...hope you are having a great weekend. Kori xoxo

Kissed by an Angel said...

Love the robin!! Not been looking in my garden for birds!! Naughty eh!! That litle mouse is so cute!!! You have got some wonderful things to make planned!!! Don't forget to show them to us when they're done!!

Sarah said...

I love the robin photo!

Crocheting is definately something I want to achieve. I've even bought a kit designed for children - I need to keep it as simple as possible as I have a block when it comes to crochet!

Chronicles of Dolliedaydream said...

Hello Lucey - the blue Eiffel Tower fabric is lovely! I have my eye on a little retro sewing machine in John Lewis at the moment but am a little afraid I will buy it on a whim, then never use it!

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

You're getting off to a good start this year aren't you Lucey.

Victoria xx

Kelly said...

I love robins! When i was a little girl my nanny used to tell me the robin in the garden was my grandad's 'little bird' that told him what I was doing (grandad was in heaven)
It still makes me smile when
I see his robin in the garden and i always ask him to say hello!!!

Celestial Charms said...

Miss Daisy Mouse is so adorable. Love her. Even though I said 2010 would be my year for crafts, I still haven't done a thing. Glad you have started on yours...looking good!

Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh! I have that Paris scene fabric, too. I had it made into a purse and baby bag. SO FUN!
~kc from usa

Unknown said...

Miss Daisy Mouse is just about the most adorable thing I have seen for quite a while! suzie. xxx

The Girl said...

I bought the crochet magazine!! This year is officially the year I master crochet.

I spent all day Sunday crocheting and unravelling. It was very frustrating but I think I might be getting there. Luckily I have 2 friends who can crochet so I'll be calling on them to help me in the coming weeks and months!!

Love Mr Robin, you're very lucky to have him pay you a visit!

Auntie Cake said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I love your sweet blog, can't wait to get to know you better in 2010. I can see why you want a tiny cuddle with your sweet robin friend. And the matchbox with a mouse in it? Oh, how I do wish I had one of those. So sweet. Enjoy the day!


oh I loved your mouse !

chocolategirl64 said...

love those fabrics and a pincushion will be darling ^_*
head over to Lucy at attic24 for fabulous crochet ideas and easypeasy tutorials :